Susan Rhame, PhD

Susan Rhame, PhD

Associate Professor of Accounting, Gupta College of Business

Phone: (972) 721-5276


Office: SB Hall #334

Office Hours: TR 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. or by Appointment

Recent Research

Landrum, B., Bannister, J., Garza, G. & Rhame, S. (2021). A class of one: Students’ satisfaction with online learning. Journal of Education for Business, 96(2), 82-88. Retrieved from

Rhame, S. R., Fodness, D., Bell, R. G., Miller, R. J., & Whittington, J. L. (2019). Infusing a Practice-Based Mission Throughout a College of Business. In Mission-Driven Approaches in Modern Business Education (pp. 193-206). IGI Global. Retrieved from

Rhame, S., & Walsh, R. (2011). The Sensitivity Of Common Horizontal Equity Measures To Variations In Omitted Income. Accounting & Taxation, 3(1), 81-89. Retrieved from 


Susan Rhame is the current interim dean and associate professor of accounting for the Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business. She joined the University of Dallas in 2008 and previously served as the associate dean of academic affairs from 2015-2017. Rhame teaches courses in accounting research methods and intermediate financial accounting. She is a member of the American Accounting Association and the Texas Society of CPAs. She received her doctorate in accounting from the University of Texas at Arlington after working a number of years as a tax professional of Arthur Young & Co. Outside of work, Rhame enjoys hiking and snow skiing.