Having spent more than 15 years working in Relationship Management and Marketing Communications roles, April Rowsey now enjoys teaching a variety of management courses to both graduate and undergraduate students at Union University. Just before pivoting to a career in higher education, April served as Senior Advisor for FRG matters at the 63rd Ordnance Battalion (EOD) at Fort Drum, NY. She worked closely with teams of military and civilian leaders to innovate and implement numerous high-impact programs. For her dedication, impact, and service, she received the Public Service Commendation Medal (the fourth highest public service decoration the United States Department of the Army can bestow upon a civilian) on three occasions.
Her research interests include leadership, inter-group relations, workplace grit, and management pedagogy with numerous conference presentations and manuscripts in progress exploring these timely and relevant topics.
A native of Arkansas, and living in several other states throughout the Midwest and the Northeast for her husband’s active-duty military service, she and her husband now enjoy a much more rooted life raising their young children in Tennessee.