Carla Pezzia, PhD

Carla Pezzia, PhD

Associate Professor, Biology

Phone: (972) 265-5719


Office: Haggerty Science Center #140

Office Hours: MWF 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Professional Affiliations
Society for Applied Anthropology member, American Anthropology Association member

Research Affiliations
UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, Community Assistance Research (UD/UTSW collaboration)


B.A., University of North Texas
M.P.H, University of North Texas Health Science Center
PhD, University of Texas at San Antonio
Global health, health disparities, cultural dimensions of mental illness, alcoholism and recovery, Latin America, and research methods.
Member-at-Large, National Association for the Practice of Anthropology Governing Council (2015-2017)
Chair, Human Rights and Social Justice Committee of the Society for Applied Anthropology (2013-2015)
Assistant Editor, Society for Applied Anthropology Newsletter (2008-2010)
HUSC 3331: Conceptual Foundations of Human Sciences
HUSC 3311: Arts in Contemporary Cultures
HUSC 3332: Junior Seminar/Anthropological Methods
HUSC 3V50/BIO 3V42.02: Global Public Health
HUSC 3V50/HIS 4357: Peoples of Latin America

Pezzia Carla, Leykum Luci, Lanham Holly, Pugh Jacqueline 2018, Physician consultation requests by inpatient medical teams: an observational study. BMC Health Services Research 18: 336.

Higashi Robin, Craddock Lee Simon, Pezzia Carla, Quirk Lisa, Leonard Tammy, Pruitt Sandi 2017, Family and Social Context Contributes to the Interplay of Economic Insecurity, Food Insecurity, and Health. Annals of Anthropological Practice 41(2): 61-67.

Pezzia Carla, Sanders Corron, Welch Suzanne, Bowling Angela, Lee William M., and the Acute Liver Failure Study Group 2017, Psychosocial and behavioral factors in acetaminophen acute liver failure: the role of impulsivity. Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine 101: 51-57.

Pruitt Sandi, Leonard Tammy, Xuan Lei, Amory Richard, Higashi Robin, Nguyen Oanh, Pezzia Carla, Swales Stephanie 2016, Who is food insecure? Implications for targeted recruitment and outreach, National health and nutrition survey, 2005-2010. Preventing Chronic Disease 13:160103.

Pezzia, Carla 2016, When your method fails: stumbling upon new questions. Medical Anthropology Theory, Dissertating section.

Pezzia, Carla 2015, Engaging Mental Health Care in a Disengaged System. In Anita Chary & Peter Rohloff (Eds.), Privatization and the New Medical Pluralism: Shifting Healthcare Landscapes in Maya Guatemala (pp. 121-136). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Leykum Luci, Chesser Hannah, Lanham Holly, Pezzia Carla, Palmer Ray, Ratcliffe Temple, Reisinger Heather, Agar Michael, Pugh Jacqueline 2015, The Association Between Sensemaking During Physician Team Rounds and Hospitalized Outcomes. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2015: 1-7.

McAllister Caitlin, Leykum Luci, Lanham Holly, Reisinger Heather, Kohn Jamie, Palmer Ray, Pezzia Carla, Agar Michael, Parchman Michael, McDaniel Ruben 2014, The impact of inpatient physician team relationships on outcomes of hospitalized patients. Journal of General Hospital Medicine 9(12): 764-771.