Mark Goodwin, PhD

Mark Goodwin, PhD

Professor, Theology

Phone: (972) 721-5358


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #228

Office Hours: MW 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. / T 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Dr. Mark Goodwin received his doctoral degree from Yale University and has taught in the Theology Department at the University of Dallas since 1993. He taught for one year on the Rome Campus, and has served as Chair of the Department of Theology, Interim Dean of the School of Ministry, and the Faculty Senate.  Dr. Goodwin organized the outstanding Nostra Aetate event in 2015-16.  

Dr. Goodwin's research interests in scripture are wide-ranging, but are presently focused on the Gospels and Paul’s letters, interpreted according to the principles of Catholic Biblical Interpretation. Further, research interests also include the Church’s reception of the Gospels and the Pauline letters in its life, thought, and practice.

PhD, Yale University
M.A., Philosophy, Yale University
M.A., Religion, Yale University
B.A., John Hopkins University 

The New Testament, especially the Gospels and Paul’s letters, interpreted according to principles of Catholic Biblical Interpretation

THE 1310 Understanding the Bible
THE 1312 Elementary Biblical Hebrew
THE 2311 Western Theological Tradition
THE 2313 Intermediate Biblical Hebrew I
THE 3320 Principals of Catholic Biblical Interpretation
THE 3321 Pentateuch
THE 3322 Old Testament Prophets
THE 3323 Wisdom and Psalms
THE 3324/6324 Synoptic Gospels
THE 3325 Fourth Gospel
THE 3V57 Intrn/Catholic Catechesis
THE 4V57 Biblical Hermeneutics
THE 4321 Apocalyptic Literature
THE 4363 Judaism I
THE 4364 Judaism II
THE 6323 Wisdom and Psalms
THE 6325 Johannine Literature
THE 6326 Paul and Acts
CLG 3324 Biblical Greek Readings
IPS 8316 The Bible
TMIN 6325 Pauline Literature

Paul and Participation in Christ:  The Patristic WitnessLanhany, MD:  Lexington Books/Fortress Academic 2020.

Paul, Apostle of the Living God:  Kerygma and Conversion in 2 Corinthians.  Harrisburg, PA:  Trinity Press International, 2001.Articles:

“Thessalonians 1:1: Participation in the Living God,” God in Paul’s Letters (Washington DC: CBQ Imprints, 2023), 91-111.

"Hosea and 'The Son of the Living God' in Matthew 16:16b," Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 67 (2005):  265-283.

"Response to David Rensberger: Anti-Judaism and John's Gospel" in Anti-Judaism and the Gospels, William Farmer, Ed., Harrisburg:  Trinity Press International (1999): 158-171.

"Commentary on Titus" in The International Bible Commentary.  Edited by William R. Farmer.  Collegeville, MN:  The Liturgical Press (1998): 175-258.

"The Pauline Background of the Living God as Interpretive Context for 1 Timothy 4:10." Journal for the Study of the New Testament. 61 (1996):  65-85.