John Norris, PhD

John Norris, PhD

Associate Professor, Theology; Associate Provost, Senior Academic Officer

Phone: (972) 721-5234


Office: Farrell Hall #223

Office Hours: By Appointment

Dr. John Norris received his PhD from Marquette University.  His research interests include St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and church history.  

PhD, Religious Studies: Historical Thought, Marquette University

B.A., Theology, University of Dallas 

Associate Provost, 2013-present
Chair, Department of Theology, University of Dallas 2000-2004
Associate Professor of Theology, University of Dallas 1999-present
Assistant Professor of Theology, University of Dallas 1993–1999
Director, Rome Undergraduate Study Abroad Program, University of Dallas 1993–1995
Visiting Instructor, University of Dallas 1991-1993 
THE 1310 Understanding the Bible
THE 2311 Western Theological Traditions
THE 3331 Systematic Theology I
THE 4346 Faith and Science
THE 5311 Church History I
THE 5312 Church History II
Graduate Courses - MA Level
THE 5315 Patristic and Byzantine Theology
THE 5316 Medieval and Modern Theology
THE 5317 Recent and Contemporary Theology

“Respeto para el alma  del residente extranjero: reflecciones sobre las responsabilidades del individuo católico y del pueblo contemporáneo.”  VIII Congreso Católicos y Vida Pública: El desafío de ser hombre  (Madrid: CEU, 2007).

 “Interpretación agustiniana del Génesis en ‘ciu. 11-15.” Augustinus LII (2007) 171-176. 

"Augustine's Interpretation of Genesis in the City of God, XI-XV".  Studia Patristica, XLIII (2006), 207211

"Reason and Scripture in the Confessions:  A Delicate Balance."  Rationality from Saint Augustine to Saint Anselm.  Ed. by Coloman Viola and Joseph Kormos. Piliscsaba, Hungary:  Ida Frlich  (2005), 95-104.

"Augustine and Sign and Tractatus in Iohannis Euangelium."  Collectanea Augustiniana V:  Augustine:  Biblical Exegete.  Eds. J. Schnaubelt and F. Van Fleteren.  New York:  Peter Lang Publishing, 2001, 215-231.

"Abyss in the Confessions:  Cosmic Darkness and Spiritual Depravity."  Studia Patristica XXXVIII (2001).  238 - 244.  Originally presented at International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, August, 1999.

"Macrobius:  A Classical Contrast to Christian Exegesis."  Augustinian Studies.  28 (1997), 81-1

"The Theological Structure of Augustine's Exegesis in the Tractatus in Iohannis Euangelium."  In Collectanea Augustiniana III:  Augustine, Presbyter Factus Sum.  Eds. Joseph Lienhard et. al.  New York:  Peter Lang Publishing, 1993, 385-394.01.

 “Science and Faith in Catholic High Schools: How to bridge the divide,” UD School of Ministry Conference, panel discussion with Dr. Todd Gruninger and Mr. Stephen Pitts, S.J., Oct. 26, 2012.

“Together on the Journey of Hope: Reflections on the Responsibilities of Lay Catholics  for Treatment of Migrants and Immigrants." Ministry Conference, Dallas, School of Ministry, October 29, 2011.

“What Does the Catholic Church Teach About Evolution.” Ministry Conference, Dallas, School of Ministry, October 28, 2011.

 “Augustine's Hermeneutics and His Rhetorical Approach to the Book of Revelation in Book XX of the City of God." Villanova Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Conference, October 21, 2011. 

  “Tradition, Art, and Worship in the Catholic Church.” Museum of Biblical Arts Symposium, Dallas, October 21, 2011. 

Slattery Lecturer, University of Notre Dame, Perth, Australia, July 2011. “The Church as Body of Christ: Evo-Devo and new advances in biology and new insights into the integrity and contingency of the Church.” 

 “Questions on the Historicity of the Virgin Birth: Results of Scriptural and Patristic considerations.” Seminar Presentation.  International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, August, 2007. 

“The Power and Danger of Allegory: Augustine’s Interpretation of the Jews in His Preaching.” International Society of Biblical Literature Conference. Vienna, July, 2007. 

 “Respeto para el alma  del residente extranjero: reflecciones sobre las responsabilidades del individuo católico y del pueblo contemporáneo.”  VIII Congreso Católicos y Vida Pública: “El desafío de ser hombre.” Madrid, November 18, 2006. 

"Augustine as Preacher: The Rhetoric of the Incarnate Word."  Seminar on the Development of Early Catholic Christianity, Waco, Texas, October 2004.

"Augustine's Use of Scripture Against the Donatists in the De baptismo contra Donatistas:  Reconceiving the Images of the Church."  American Society of Church History National Conference, Washington, D.C., January 2004.

"Augustine's Confessions:  The Spirit Rests over the Waters."  National Conference of the North American Patristics Society, Chicago, May 2000.

"The Holy Person of Late Antiquity in the Rule of St. Augustine."  American Society of Church History National Conference, San Diego, California, April 1999.